A transcription service will translate speech into a written or electronic text document. Virtual workforce’s experts are skilled in this field.
In Virtual Workforce, There are different amount of our service, all of which will result in a text document containing the dialogue from the source audio or video file. If you required any help choosing the right solution for your needs, we can help you to decide by discussing your requirements.
Outsource transcription services are gained fast, accurate and cost-effective online transcription services customized to suit your global transcription needs. We provide highly trained and qualified business transcriptions who having the ability of handling your various business transcription requirements within the shortest time-span possible.
- Professionally transcribed transcripts that record all important information and save it.
- Perfect material for letters and reports to be sent to your clients, customers and shareholders.
- Flexibility to re purpose existing digital content (webinars, podcasts and dictations) into books (eBooks/physical books) & courses.
- Time and flexibility to make content strategy for SEO and product creation.
At virtual workforce provides the entire range of transcription services including
Medical transcription
Media transcription
Legal transcription
Engineering transcription
Financial transcription
Digital transcription
Business transcription
Audio transcription
Video transcription
Forensic transcription
Here we also provide specialized transcription services for podcast, micro cassette, multimedia, YouTube, movie script, academic research etc.
Medical Transcription
Medical transcription has quickly begin to be a huge time, money and resource-saver for practices and healthcare professionals. Medical transcription is most suitable for many everyday use-cases, including improving the accuracy and efficiency of:
- Operative Reports
- Discharge Summaries
- Medical History & Physicals
- Biomedical Science Drafts
- Medical Research Interviews
- Consultation & Administrative Letters
Media Transcription
Media Transcription is useful for SEO. Search engines capture the most common key words or phrases and this boosts your visibility online.
Audio Transcription
Audio transcription is to cause a written record of important events and to supply machine-readable information for dissemination on the internet or through email. In virtual workforce, Reason for Audio Transcription
- Accessibility
- Discoverability (SEO)
- Repurpose content
- Increase shares
- Delight your audience
Video Transcription
In virtual workforce, Reason for Audio Transcription
- Better UX
- Accessibility
Legal Transcriptions
Virtual Workforce provides an accurate, specific rendering of court sessions, depositions, and other legal proceedings.
Financial Transcription
Financial Transcription is businesses can free heads to take on more main and time sensitive projects, thereby increasing overall productivity.